Implied Terms Cases Contract Law

Implied Terms Cases Contract Law

In contract law, terms may be explicitly stated or implied. Implied terms are those that are understood to be part of a contract even though they are not explicitly stated. These terms are often based on business practices, industry norms, or legal principles. They may also be implied by law to protect the interests of one or both parties in a contract.

There are several types of implied terms in contract law, including terms implied by custom, terms implied by statute, and terms implied by the courts. In this article, we will focus on cases related to implied terms in contract law.

One of the most famous cases related to implied terms is The Moorcock (1889). In this case, a ship was moored in a harbor when it was damaged by the rising tide. The owner of the ship sued the owner of the harbor, claiming that there was an implied term in their contract that the harbor was safe for the ship to dock in. The court agreed with the ship owner, stating that there was an implied term that the harbor was safe for the ship to use.

Another important case related to implied terms is Liverpool City Council v Irwin (1977). In this case, the council owned a block of flats that were in a state of disrepair. The tenants of the flats sued the council, claiming that there was an implied term in their tenancy agreement that the council would maintain the common areas of the flats. The court agreed with the tenants, stating that there was an implied term that the council would maintain the common areas of the flats.

In the case of Scally v Southern Health and Social Services Board (1991), a nurse was employed by the board to work in a psychiatric hospital. The nurse was subjected to abuse by the patients and sued the board, claiming that there was an implied term in her contract that she would be provided with a safe working environment. The court agreed with the nurse, stating that there was an implied term that the board would provide a safe working environment.

In summary, implied terms in contract law are important because they help to fill in gaps in contracts where explicit terms are missing. These terms are often based on industry practices, legal principles, or business customs. Cases related to implied terms in contract law help to clarify the scope and application of these terms, ensuring that both parties are protected in their contractual obligations. As a professional, it is important to understand the legal terminology and jargon related to implied terms in contract law to produce informative and accurate articles on the subject.